While the mid-south heat is unbearable at times, it doesn’t squelch the fun families can have while spending time together during these long sunny days. The current pandemic that we are in attempts to put a halt on many activities and travel plans, but we encourage you to be creative and make memories in the little everyday activities of life. Summer play dates, vacations, and even the pandemic can throw off your usual dental routine.
One of PDGO's Pedodontists, Dr. Nathaniel Denson shares three ways to keep your child’s smile healthy and cavity-free during the summer.
Summertime is one of the most exciting times as a child. Kids are out of school, the weather is nice, and you are constantly on the move. Whether it’s riding a bike, going swimming, or just running through a sprinkler, everyone has their favorite summer activity. One activity that often gets neglected during the excitement of summer is oral hygiene. It’s easy for kids to forget to brush their teeth when they are out of their normal routine. As hard as it can be to slow them down sometimes, make sure your children are still taking the time to brush their teeth twice a day during the summer. And don’t forget to floss at night too!
Let’s be honest, kids will be kids. And they should be. Kids love sugary drinks and snacks (who can blame them??). There is nothing wrong with the occasional sugary drink or snack. The goal here should be moderation. Milk at meal time and water with healthy snacks should be the norm for kids. However, there is nothing wrong with the occasional treat. Everyone needs a sweet dessert or snack every now and then. Another tip is to avoid grazing throughout the day on the sugary drinks and treats. Try to eat or drink the sweet stuff in one sitting. The constant introduction of small amounts of sugar to teeth throughout the day can be tough on your child’s smile.
Last but not least, be sure to schedule your child's back-to-school dental health visit early. If your child is due for a preventative check-up, try not to wait until the last minute to see the dentist. Hopefully, everything will look healthy, and your child won’t have cavities. However, if they happen to need further treatment, it is nice to have the opportunity to return to complete treatment before school starts!
We can’t wait to see you in one of our offices very soon! Pediatric Dental Group & Orthodontics is following all the CDC’s guidelines to make sure you and your child are safe when visiting our offices. Click the link below to make your appointment.
Hope you are having a great summer break!