We had a Q&A session with our Board-Certified Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Nate Denson. As a dad to two young daughters, Dr. Denson has walked through many of these scenarios himself. If you are a new or expecting parent, we hope you will find this information to be valuable.

When will my baby cut their first tooth? The average age for babies to start cutting teeth is 6 months old. However, there is a wide range for when this actually occurs. It is very normal for some children to get teeth as early as 4 months and some to be a year old or older.
What can I do to soothe my baby while they are cutting their teeth? Tylenol, cold teething rings, or even a cold damp washcloth for them to chew on can be helpful as they get their teeth.
When do I need to bring my baby to the dentist for the first time? The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends when you see the first tooth erupt or when your baby is one year old, it’s time to see a pediatric dentist. This appointment is to educate the parents on caring for their baby’s teeth!
When will my baby lose their first tooth? Children usually lose their first tooth around the average age of six years old, however, there is a very wide range that is considered normal for getting permanent teeth as well. It’s very common for them to lose one of the bottom front teeth first followed by the top front teeth.
Is it ok for my baby to suck their thumb? While we know that thumb sucking is so cute, and it seems to soothe your baby, it can also be a very hard habit to break. Your dentist can talk to you about strategies for breaking thumb, finger, and pacifier habits.
What about pacifiers? Are some better than others for their gums and teeth? A pacifier is also something that can bring comfort and soothe your baby, but it needs to be discontinued around the age of one. There are some that have an orthodontic nipple, and these are the best option for your child.
When do I start brushing their teeth? When you see the first tooth erupt, that is the time to begin. You may get a gentle cloth and wipe the tooth off after nursing or bottle feeding and then when you begin to give them baby food.
What kind of toothbrush and toothpaste is best on baby teeth? Any small soft brush designed for babies will work for brushing his/her teeth. Until your child is able to spit, training toothpaste or a small, rice-sized amount of kid’s fluoride toothpaste is okay to use. Once they are able to spit, a pea-sized amount of kid’s fluoride toothpaste is recommended.
Is it ok for me to put them to bed with a bottle? A baby should NEVER go to bed with a bottle. The milk could pool around the teeth allowing it to form cavities.
When should I wean them off the bottle? This is best coordinated with your pediatrician, but most children can start using a sippy cup or 360 degree sippy cup by age 1.
Pediatric Dental Group & Orthodontics is here to help you walk through this phase of your child’s growth and development. We offer a FREE visit for your child before their 2nd birthday. We would love to meet you and your little ones!