At PDGO, our desire is for you to hear us say that “your child has no cavities!” Unfortunately, that is not always the case. It’s best if we can detect the cavity early before it begins to cause any pain. For a tooth that has a small cavity we offer fillings or restorations that are tooth colored and unnoticeable to the eye. At this appointment, we use Nitrous Oxide (also known as “laughing gas”) and explain to your child that he/she is going to feel like they are floating on a Magic Carpet (or floating on a cloud)! While the tooth is asleep, we get the cavity cleaned out and the new filling placed. Your child leaves our office as good as new!
Pulp Therapy
There are times when a cavity is bigger and goes a little deeper. If this happens, we do pulp therapy on the tooth. This includes medicating the pulp and then preparing the tooth for either a stainless steel crown or a white crown.
begin treatment and achieve the best
possible result for your child
Silver and White Crowns
At PDGO, we offer 2 types of crowns for the primary (baby) teeth. The Silver Crowns are used mostly on the posterior (back ) teeth while the White Crowns are used primarily on the anterior (front) teeth and are preferred by most of our parents. Our pediatric dentists have special training and certifications for using the white crowns, leaving your child with a decay-free, beautiful and confident smile!
There are times when either due to decay, eruption patterns of other teeth (crowding), or accidents that our dentists see the need for extractions. In these cases, we take the extra time to explain the process of using Nitrous Oxide (or “laughing gas”) and explain to your child that they will feel like they are floating on a cloud (or riding on a magic carpet)! While the tooth is asleep, we simply wiggle it free and your child leaves our office with a little treasure for the tooth fairy!