Here is a true story written by PDGO’s Deb Shultz.
Our 17-year old granddaughter is needing braces. The drama level skyrocketed. Fighting back tears she announced, “braces will make me look fat!”
Did we just hear right?
Teenagers’ worlds are very small. They usually consist of school, church, and a few friends. So, I can see where getting braces can be a major ordeal. Braces can be scary, but any unknown usually is.
Crooked teeth, having an over-bite, and even braces can affect the way some people interact with others, sometimes making a person insecure or self-conscious. Knowledge is power, and so explaining the process can help dispel many fears.
At the consult visit, we let the PDGO staff know of her fears, and they were great about explaining the tools and steps that would be taken to give her a great smile.
“What about pain?” We were told that there may be some discomfort or tenderness after an adjustment, and that it can be relieved with an over the counter medicine like Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
“Will I have to wear these forever?” No. PDGO explained that you won’t get straight teeth overnight – it is a gradual process. No need to fear! Time flies, and in a relatively short period of time you will have a beautiful smile for life! You will also be a member of a pretty good club; Prince Harry and Prince William, Emma Watson, Oprah, Tom Cruise, and Katy Perry have all worn braces. Most likely a good percentage of your middle or high school peers wear braces, too. You are definitely not alone!
Braces have come a long way from the old “metal-mouth” days. PDGO offers different options to make you feel more comfortable about your smile. With Invisalign, it is hard to even tell you are wearing braces at all. If you opt for traditional braces, you can choose all sorts of colored bands. You can change them out to match your mood, school colors, or holiday. It is a great way to express your personality!
PDGO does a great job of taking your child’s fears – even silly ones like “braces will make me look fat!” – and helping them to understand the reality that living with braces for a short time is really not so scary after all. In the end, my granddaughter ended up having a great experience and NO, they did not make her look fat!